waterford-city-centre-285x300Business owners in Waterford City are exhaling in relief after a deal was brokered with City Hall in relation to the payment of Commercial Rates for 2014.
The news, coming six weeks after businesses received blunt instruction from a Waterford City Council-appointed Revenue Collector regarding the payment of outstanding rates, has offered some respite for hard-hit outlets as Christmas approaches.
Representatives of the Waterford City Centre Business Group (WCCBG) met with City Council Finance Department chief John Murphy and Rates Inspector Joe Daniels, where it was confirmed that businesses can pay next year’s Rates via a 12-month standing order.
The WCCBG, who were represented at the meeting by Chairman Eddie Mulligan and PRO Michael Garland, were pleased with the meeting’s outcome, while remaining adamant that much work remains to be done to support businesses battling to remain viable.
“We were delighted to have had such a productive meeting with John and Joe,” said Mr Garland.
“And while we as a group fully understand all the issues facing Waterford City Council regarding the collection of rates, it’s also vital that the rate paying community and the City Council has an open and candid dialogue on the issues of the collection of rates as well as helping those in arrears.”
Among the innovations to aid businesses will be the creation of a new Rates information page on the City Council’s website.
“We were delighted to engage with the WCCBG around the issues we have encountered in regard to the collection of Commercial Rates arrears,” said John Murphy.
“The WCCBG will assist in conveying and communicating a positive message surrounding the need for businesses to expeditiously contact the Rates Department should there be issues with regard to payments.”