Transport Minister Noel Dempsey this week announced details of the Government’s €607.5m investment in regional and local roads this year, including almost €23m for works by Waterford’s local authorities.
Non-national road projects in Waterford City have received overall funding of €5,170,000, enabling the advancement of schemes such as the Kilbarry and Old Tramore Road access routes, the Knockboy junction improvement, and the junction of Old Kilmeaden Road and Waterford Industrial Estate, together with a substantial grant for carriageway/footpath repairs.
Similar projects in the County Council area are being funded to the tune of €17,601,699. This allocation will go towards projects such as phase 2 of the Tallow Link Road, phase 2 of the Riverstown Relief Road, the Gold Coast Road upgrade and the completion of the R708 Airport Road.
Significant funding is being made available for regional road signposting, restoration and maintenance works and local improvement schemes in the county.
Minister Dempsey said he was delighted to be able to dispense such a sizeable amount “despite current constraints on Government spending.”
He stressed that the State grants “are a supplement to expenditure by the local authorities. All councils, he said, “need to maintain and even increase” their own roads spending.