Four bus loads of Right2water/ Right2change campaigners – two from the city, one from Dungarvan and another from West Waterford – travelled to Dublin last Saturday to take part in a pre-Election national protest
Many more from across the city and county drove up or went by public transport, according to local activist Tommy Hogan. They joined thousands of protestors from all over the country demanding an end to water charges and the threat of its privatisation. Local General Election hopefuls Una Dunphy, (AAA PBP) and Sinn Féin’s David Cullinane were amongst the 101
candidates affiliated with the Right2change movement who were presented to the marchers as an electoral alternative to the mainstream parties.

Members of the Waterford Right2Water/Right2Change group at the Dublin protest last Saturday

Members of the Waterford Right2Water/Right2Change group at the Dublin protest last Saturday

“Speakers called on people to have the courage to change,” Mr Hogan later told The Munster Express. “To clear out those who wrecked the economy and those who perpetuated austerity policies for the last eight years. We must put people first, win back our country from those who would and have sold it.
“In this historic year, national sovereignty must mean the right to water, the right to a house, the right to decent health services, the right of all our children to a decent education, the right to a living pension and security in old age, the right to a decent job, with decent pay and hours and the right to be represented by a trade union.”
Mr Hogan concluded: “Next Friday we can begin to change our unequal and unfair society and believe another Ireland is possible and so begin to build a society based on the needs of the great majority of citizens, as opposed to the small minority of the super rich.”