As part of the SCOW programme at Christ Church Cathedral, the European Union Chamber Orchestra gave a summer evening concert under the direction of violin soloist Hans-Peter Hofmann.

The wonderful familiar tones of Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons got the concert off to a good start and while at times the work seemed a little jerky and Hofmann bobbed up and down like a ringletted rock star, I enjoyed the music, but as ever find it hard to hear the supposed references to rain, rustic bagpipes and drunkards falling asleep.

After the interval a Mozart K137 in three movements was fun with a rocking joyful allegro full of leaping liveliness. They finished with Britten’s Simple Symphony, written when the composer was only twenty. It was full of folksy dance rhythms, twists and turns and lovely pizzicato, with a wonderful Sentimental Saraband that pleased the audience in summer mood. Great evening, great feelings, great music.