A LOCAL Councillor has warned that it’s only a matter of time before a fatality occurs at a dangerous junction on the N25.
At the September plenary meeting of Waterford City & County Council, Cllr Liam Brazil (FG) highlighted a problem at Downey’s Cross near Leamybrien.
Cllr Brazil, who said he uses the junction two or three times daily, said it was a very dangerous area and warned that there would be a fatality.
He explained that realignment works had taken place in the area recently and said there was significant danger for cars turning left for Durrow.
“As you leave Leamybrien, and as you come out of the speed limit zone, people increase their speed and then all of a sudden a car is turning in for Durrow and you have to stop,” he explained.
“I don’t think that’s good enough on a main road such as the N25,” he added.
Cllr Brazil explained that a member of the public had received a reply from the National Roads Authority (NRA) which said that the revised layout presented an improvement.
He said he was disappointed that the council hadn’t received a response as quickly to the safety concerns which had been outlined.
Director of Services Paul Daly said Waterford City & County Council had contacted the NRA and said discussions were still taking place between the council and the state body.
However, he highlighted that Waterford City & County Council had no control over the actions of the NRA.
* Meanwhile, an accident occurred at the R676 (Carrick Road)/N25 (Main Road) junction in Leamybrien on Wednesday last at 5.35pm approximately involving a car and a creamery truck. The driver and passenger of the car, both of whom were from San Diego, Califorina, sustained injuries and were subsequently treated at University Hospital Waterford.