citycouncilLetters received just days after launch of retail plan
Sixty businesses in Waterford City received letters regarding outstanding commercial rates from a Waterford City Council-appointed Revenue Collector just days after the City Centre Management Plan had been launched at City Hall.
In the letter, obtained by The Munster Express, businesses which owe commercial rates to Waterford City Council were issued a blunt instruction from Revenue Collector Thomas Murran, a former president of Waterford Chamber.
“Please note that if this amount (i.e. outstanding revenue due to Waterford City Council)  is not paid within six days of this letter that further notice will be given to you which may lead to seizure of your goods including seizure costs unless the sum is paid within that six-day period,” states the letter, dated October 15th.
The letter, which was received by several city centre businesses on Thursday, October 17th, adds: “Important: All payments are to be sent to the Waterford Revenue Collector at the above address and cheques are to be made payable to the Waterford Revenue Collector, crossed and marked ‘not negotiable’. Official receipts should be obtained for all payments.”
While acknowledging the pressures facing city centre business at present, Waterford City Manager Michael Walsh said the Council’s hand has been forced due to the consequences for future budgets if these monies are not collected.
Businesses in Waterford city centre currently employ 1500, 400 more than the total workforce punching in at Bausch & Lomb, the city’s largest private sector employer.
Waterford City Council currently draws from a commercial rates base totalling 2165 separate rate payers, who last year contributed approximately 36 per cent of the Council’s total income, which came to €18.7 million. Read more in last weeks Munster Express