TEENAGERS have been warned that anti-social behaviour will no longer be tolerated in Waterford City Centre.
The City Centre Management Group (CCMG) sub working committee on teenage anti-social behaviour met on Friday 9th February in Waterford City & County Council Offices on The Mall. The meeting was chaired by Cllr Eddie Mulligan (FF), who represented Waterford Business Group (WBG), and said he was pleased with the “open discussion” which took place.“Collaboration is the way forward,” he said.

Fianna Fáil Councillor Eddie Mulligan.

Fianna Fáil Councillor Eddie Mulligan.

The meeting reviewed the current issues with teenage anti-social behaviour within the city centre and the greater metropolitan area.
In attendance were Maureen O’ Sullivan (Council City Centre Liaison Officer & Purple Flag), Garda Community Sergeant Finbar O’ Sullivan, Ger Hurley (Waterford Chamber), Cllr Breda Brennan, Brian Moore (Port of Waterford) and Claire Loughnane (Waterford Council Economic Department).
Apologies were received from Declan O’Driscoll (Comhairle na nÓg), Michael Murphy (President WIT Students Union), Denis Carroll (Manager, City Square Shopping Centre) and, whilst invited to attend, Tusla had no representative present.
Cllr Mulligan said that while the sub group of the CCMG welcome teenagers into the city centre, it was emphatically stated that anti-social behaviour would not be tolerated and, when crimes are committed, action would be taken and followed up.
“Gardaí have committed to maintaining a large city centre presence with increased resources if necessary during the times of increased teenage anti-social behaviour,” he said.“It was commented by those attending that the increased Garda visibility has been very evident and that the ‘Stop & Searches’ being publicly carried out are welcome and proving a deterrent. Gardaí will also continue their educational awareness in schools with a specific focus on the non-tolerance of anti-social behaviour by teenagers in any part of the city.”