Garret FitzGerald believes that having the Dáil sitting for a greater chunk of the year would make little difference to either our political system or our legislative process.
But that’s not how many voters see it. Let me explain.
Perception, a point frequently made in this column when discussing politics, or even the slightest hint that the concerns we have as ordinary people are being reflected by our politicians, does count for something.
And that’s why Pat Rabbitte’s now famous ‘Prime Time’ outburst (pictured) and Vincent Browne’s grilling of Brian Cowen (infamously not screened by RTE) resonated with the public.
Both men actually sounded like they gave a damn about this country – tell me the last time someone in government offered any such resonance?
They articulated the public anger with a government that has completely failed the very people that they, in utopian terms, are meant to put first.