Waterford City Councillors have green-lit plans for further refurbishment of the sports and community hall at the Manor St John Community complex in Lisduggan.

The works, approved at Monday night’s Council meeting will also see an extension added to the hall, which is bounded by Church Road.

Director of Services Paddy Power told Councillors that no submissions had been received while the plans for the site had been on public display.

“The proposed development will contribute to the overall development of the community and recreational campus at Manor St John and as such is considered to be in accordance with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area,” wrote Mr Power in a circular.

The combined facility houses the Manor St John building, GAA dressing rooms, Saint Paul’s Boxing Club and the sports hall. A community crèche is also based there.

Responding to a query from Cllr Joe Kelly, Mr Power said he was “confident that (the site) can cope with the parking demands placed on it”.

The footfall at the complex is expected to increase due to the provision of playing pitches in the facility, including an all-weather surface, which has benefited from FAI funding. It’s expected that games will be played at Manor St John by spring of next year.

Cllr David Cullinane said the complex “was an excellent facility for both Lisduggan and Larchville,” while Cllr Cha O’Neill described it as “absolutely superb for the area”.

Cllr O’Neill also thanked FAI Chief Executive John Delaney for the financial contribution provided by soccer’s governing body to the all-weather pitch.

Cllr John Halligan noted that attempts had been recently made to break down the security fencing installed on the site and that it was “important that we keep an eye on things, to keep the fences intact”.