The residents of six unfinished housing estates in Ferrybank, Waterford, were left in limbo and were unable to have them taken-in-charge by Kilkenny County Council, a meeting of the Council’s Piltown Electoral Area Committee was told in Newrath last week.

Director of Services John McCormack said the jury was still out on unfinished estates until the wider implication of NAMA was clear. Due to the economic situation it was unknown if the developers would come back and finish the estates. When estates were finished the Council would take them in charge and would then become responsible for water services and roads.

The County Council was now in the situation where it had a number of estates partially completed and those were in limbo until the wider NAMA situation was clear. Many of the unfinished estates were sites under construction within their planning period. A list of unfinished housing estates was being compiled on a county-wide basis.

Cllr Anne Marie Irish (FG) said some estates were in a dangerous state with abandoned machinery left lying about. Teenagers on one estate rolled barrels down a hill which crashed into a resident’s parked car.

Committee Chairman Pat Dunphy (FG) said that two estates had been left unfinished in Piltown.