The city’s new Solas Cancer Support Centre will receive a welcome cash boost this Christmas, when the Port Waterford donates all of the cash generated by its Merchant Quay car-park beside the bridge during the first week of December towards its construction.
From December 1-7, those paying the €5 daily rate to park at the riverside car-park opposite the Days Hotel (former Bridge Hotel) will do so in the knowledge that every cent will go towards building the Solas Centre at Williamstown, for which the South East Cancer Foundation are aiming to raise €1m. The state-of-the-art cancer support centre will serve patients and their families in a positive setting.
Announcing the initiative, Michael Flynn, Deputy Chairman, Port of Waterford said the port company are happy to help raise funds for such a worthy cause. “The South Eastern Cancer Foundation does tremendous work with cancer patients and their families.
“The Solas Centre that they are currently fundraising for will be a valuable addition to the southeast region’s social and healthcare infrastructure and I know that the Foundation continues to receive a great deal of support for the project even in a tighter economic climate.
“To ensure the maximum amount possible is raised, we would encourage motorists to give particular thought to using the Forde Wharf car-park during the first week of December which is traditionally one of the busiest weeks of the year at this and other car-parks in Waterford city. At €5 per day, the parking charges at this location are very competitive and there’s the added incentive for that week of knowing the entire charge is in fact a donation towards delivering the Solas Centre.”