Ballyduff Upper's Shane Kearney celebrates scoring his second goal against Abbeyside. Two more were to follow. 		       | Photos: Michael Kiely

Ballyduff Upper's Shane Kearney celebrates scoring his second goal against Abbeyside. Two more were to follow. | Photos: Michael Kiely

Ballyduff Upper 4-12;  Abbeyside 0-13

While Shane Kearney’s quartet of goals will be recalled in the record books and rightly so, Ballyduff Upper goalkeeper Adrian Power’s performance will be recalled forever and a day.
Power was magnificent, producing half a dozen stunning stops that would be replayed again and again were there TV cameras present.
As you’d expect, Stephen Molumphy was his typically impressive self, working selflessly as always for his team’s cause.
Patrick Hurney in attack and Maurice Power in defence impressed for Abbeyside but there’s little doubt that they were the weaker for Richie Foley’s absence.