Over €42.6 million has been awarded to social housing programmes in Waterford for 2009, a decrease of over €11m on last year’s allocation.

Under the Government’s Social Housing Investment Programme, Waterford City Council will receive €19,190,000 (down from €22m in 2008) to supply local authority housing, as well as voluntary and co-operative housing and Traveller accommodation. The County Council was awarded €7,845,000 (down from €14m) and Dungarvan Town Council €2,100,000.

The City Council’s improvement works budget, which covers building regeneration, new energy measures and remedial works, has also been reduced, from €14.4m last year to €13.5 million for 2009.

The funding allocation was welcomed by Minister Martin Cullen, who said the general principle underpinning the Government’s housing objective is that targeted supports should be made available to those who cannot afford to provide for their housing needs. “Local authorities remain the main providers of social housing and the range of programmes has broadened and this is to be welcomed”, the Minister continued. “The funding will be effectively used by the local authorities for the benefit of those who most need it.”