Over €1m in funding has been provided to the City and County councils to assist in the cost of providing bring banks and other civic amenity facilities in 2009.
Under the Waste Management Infrastructure Capital Grants Scheme, the City Council is to receive €536,260.65 and the County Council €861,020.24 from central funding towards the continuing development of their respective waste recycling infrastructure, which also includes composting facilities and materials recovery facilities. Activity at these sites has increased steadily in recent years.
The Waste Management Infrastructure Capital Grants Scheme, which was launched in 2002 and under which over €100m was allocated in grant assistance to local authorities, closed to new applications earlier this year. This scheme assisted in the development of the current nationwide network of almost 2,000 bring banks and more than 80 civic amenity sites. In order to facilitate the continuing development of recycling facilities a new grant scheme the Waste Recycling Capital Grant Scheme was launched in July 2008.
Waterford City Council’s Civic Amenity Site at Kilbarry accepts a number of recyclable items free of charge, including cardboard, glass, cans, batteries and waste oil. Garden waste, cuttings, etc. can be brought to the Composting Facility on the Green Road. In the country, recycling centres are located at Ballinamuck in Dungarvan, Strand Road, Tramore and Town Park East, Lismore.