Plans by Waterford County Council to build a 60-metre high windmill turbine at Kilmeaden has raised fears among local residents, who voiced concerns at the impact it could have on health and the environment.
The visual impact of the windmill and associated noise were two of the main objections by the developers of Fan Glas, a nearby housing estate and the occupant of a house within 200 metres of the proposed turbine.
The Council decided at a meeting in Dungarvan last week to go ahead with the project at the East Waterford Water Supply Scheme in Adamstown, Kilmeaden.
Building Contractors SE Construction (Kent) Ltd, the developers of the Fan Glas housing estate, requested further information on the project and assurances that it would answer the concerns of the residents and prospective house purchasers with regard to noise, environmental and visual impacts.
John Gannon, Adamstown, the former superintendent of the water treatment plant who lives in a house on the site, made a submission regarding the proximity of the turbine to the dwelling house and the impact it would have in relation to noise, communication signals and health.
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Waste of money! What we really need in this country is nuclear power. Cheap, clean, continuous, safe, and no fossil fuels generated. Shame none of the fools in charge have the neck to suggest this!