Greater contact between Waterford County Council and Coillte has been recommended by various Tidy Town organisations around the county in a bid to crack down on illegal dumping in forests on the Comeragh Mountains.

Education and the prosecution of offenders are the key carrot-and-stick submissions made in respect of Waterford Co Council’s Litter Management Plan 2008-2011. The submissions came from Portlaw, Ballymacarbry, Kilmacthomas and Fenor Community Tidy Towns Committees.

County Manager Ray O’Dwyer said some of the main points identified by the organisations were that the Council’s Environmental Education and Awareness Officer should visit more schools to educate children on the litter and waste theme. They also called for more co-ordination and contact between Tidy Towns Committees. The submissions were found to be extremely helpful and detailed and were considered and included in the draft plan.

Education and persuasion would be the primary tools to tackle the litter problem with enforcement used only as a last resort, he said. Steps would also be taken to try to get the business community to assist in the management of litter in rural and urban areas to reduce the amount of litter outside premises. State bodies would also be asked to reduce litter and prevent dumping taking place on lands and property owned and management by them.