On Friday night last I was at the wonderful Barrack Street Concert Band 140th anniversary concert at the Good Shepherd Chapel. It was a pure joy from beginning to end and the perfect antidote to the miserable news week that was in it. Two and half hours of music dotted with the remarkable singing talent of Donna Roche, Ray Collins, Orla and Aisling Brett and Brother Ben’s choir from De La Salle. Jim Nolan even read from his play The Salvage Shop. It was just lovely and it felt like a good start to the festive season seen as we were close to the end of November and just on the cusp of the silliness. What I didn’t expect was to wake up on Saturday morning and find myself in some cold parallel universe that had all the hallmarks of the perfect Christmas card. I had heard the weather warnings but, as usual, I assumed that Waterford would escape the worst of it as we always tend to. The last time I saw snow like this in an urban area was in the early nineties in London when everything stopped for about three days and I remember watching people pass the window on skis in an attempt to get to work.

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