There were children dancing in the aisle at the new Waterford Pantomime Society’s exciting production of the perennial favourite – Cinderella. The venue of The Forum was a great choice and no bother with crisps, coke and lots of sweeties. While the unreserved seating might be a problem to be looked at, there were Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse to entertain a queue that stretched around the corner.

The script by Killian Donnelly and adapted by director, Bryan Flynn, was bright and modern and traditional stuff was just nudged into the entertaining noughties.

My nephews, Cian and Olin Manning and their father Ollie, had a ball and I was well impressed too.

Taking the cast in the order they appear in the programme, Olivia Cagney was beautiful and her I’m So Lonely song, with Buttons, was excellent. Fergal Kelly, star of last years Grease, was to the boyband born as a hyperactive Prince Charming. Davy Condon was a wonderful Buttons in a singing and dancing style; his byeplay with the audience was excellent and his pathos a joy to see. He reminded me of a young Stan Laurel. Tony Corcoran as Ugly Sister (Veruca) and Terry Grant as Ugly Sister (Hernia) stole the show with snappy routines, asides, running sweet gags and great visual comedy. Brenda Giles was suitably evil as Evil Stepmother and her sister Anne Corcoran Brown was glorious as a kooky Fair Godmother. She radiated magic and happiness and the audience loved her.

Michelle Condon was a scream as Dandini and Darragh Corcoran and Adam Hayes were excellent Bouncers. Denny Corcoran is Darragh’s grand-dad and Adam Hayes is nephew of Richie Hayes, which just goes to show there are no small parts, just small Hayes’s.

Sinead Flynn, Liz Reddy, Matt Keane, Hazel Kelly and Richie Hayes did cameos (mostly on video) but the sight of Richie Hayes as a garda eating doughnuts was a jammy moment to savour.

Billy McCarthy and his niece Roisin were in the audience, as was Davy Sutton and family, as was Brendan McCann and family as was Richie Hayes and his adorable new wife.

Wayne Brown was the MD who presided over a sidestage rocking good pit. Aidan McGrath did the colourful lighting, Michelle Condon did the snappy choreography. Blanaid McCann did the excellent costumes and Mags Keane excelled on Make-up.

Zandra Kelly and her beautiful Bump led the Front Of House team. The panto committee is Anne Corcoran Brown, Michelle Quilty, Zandra Kelly and Patrice Power and the panto is in great hands, at a happy venue and its future assured.