While Waterford Young Fine Gael (YFG) has reiterated its call for the Outer Ring Road speed limit to be raised to 80 kph, a City Councillor believes that such a change cannot be justified.
Councillor Mary Roche, who had previously agreed with YFG’s position in a speed limit survey conducted in September 2008, is now steadfastly against the proposal.
Speaking earlier this week (before stating that had nothing further to add on the issue) Cllr Roche stressed that she will continue to support the current 60kph speed limit.
She said: “Since the opening of the Outer Ring Road, I have been consistent on my support for the expert opinion which states that the Outer Ring Road is an Urban Dual Carriageway with a path running along its entire length which, as a result, would not be suitable for a higher speed limit without expensive remediation.”
Cllr Roche’s current position, which she re-iterated at the February meeting of Waterford City Council, is at odds with her signing a YFG petition on the same issue dated September 21st 2008.
In reply to a question: ‘What do you feel is a reasonable speed limit for the outer ring road dual carriageway (R470) between the Williamstown Road and the Cork Road,’ Cllr Roche ticked the box marked ‘80 kmph (proposed limit)’.
 For full story see our print edition.