Rathgormack 2-17; Kill 0-2

Rathgormack qualified for the final of the John J Murphy East Junior Football Championship (Attached) section when they easily accounted for Kill in the semi-final last Friday evening.

As the final score graphically illustrated, this game highlighted the gulf in class between both sides, with Rathgormack asserting their dominance right from the off.

At centrefield, the midfield duo of Kieran Hassett and Nigel Skehan seized immediate control, allowing forwards including Kenny Hassett and Steven Kirwan to fire over a litany of scores.

The game was effectively ended as a contest in the 22nd minute when Rathgormack corner-forward John Kirwan surged through for a goal.

The pattern for the second half followed that of the first half as Rathgormack’s forwards received ample shooting practice.

They scored points through Daniel Drohan and substitute Paddy Crotty while Steven Kirwan and Kenny Hassett continued to raise white flags.

The final nail in the Kill coffin arrived 12 minutes from time when Steven Kirwan goaled.

Rathgormack advance to face Gaultier in the Eastern final.