Close circuit television coverage of young men fighting at the Ballinakill Shopping Centre has highlighted the persisting anti-social problems being caused by young males in the area.
The stills, seen by this newspaper last week, have underlined the intimidating and at times violent atmosphere that has become increasingly prevalent at the Centre, located just off the Dunmore Road.
It’s worth noting that innocent youths have been ‘caught in the crossfire’ during some of the recent goings-on at the Centre, leaving several shaken and upset by the intimidation they too have suffered from.
Residents in several estates across the city have grown increasingly vocal regarding the torment they’re experiencing due to incidences of anti-social behaviour, which have escalated during the school holidays.
Fianna Fáil City Councillor Gary Wyse, who is currently dealing with anti-social difficulties in five different estates, has declared that enough is enough.
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