AS WATERFORD reels from the aftermath of the ‘Beast from the East’ and Storm Emma, local authority workers have been out in force to ensure the city and county return to normality.
All national and regional routes in Waterford were prioritised by the local authority.
Speaking yesterday (Monday), Director of Services with Waterford City & County Council Fergus Galvin said the vast majority of roads are now open and passable.
However, he said difficulties remain in some areas of the Comeraghs and West Waterford.
In particular, he mentioned the area of Power’s the Pot, Rathgormack where there are still significant amounts of snow on the ground.

Queues at Dunphy's Shop on the Cork Road as Storm Emma raged on: Photo by Mick Wall

Queues at Dunphy's Shop on the Cork Road as Storm Emma raged on: Photo by Mick Wall

There are also large accumulations of ploughed snow on the verges of many roads,” Mr Galvin explained.
Waterford City & County Council had seven snow ploughs in operation throughout the locality. In addition, around 30 contract machines were deployed.
He explained that a request for assistance was made to the IFA on Saturday last.
He praised the “great response” from the local farming community, with many farmers using JCBs, tractors and shovels in order to clear local roads and make them accessible.
Waterford City & County Council has asked drivers to be very cautious when undertaking journeys on the roads.
Some rural roads may be down to one lane at present, so motorists are advised to travel at a lower speed than normal.