Waterford’s General Election line-up currently consists of 14 candidates.
Additional names may still be added to the ballot paper for polling day, Saturday February 8th.
Currently in the race are: Deputy Mary Butler and Cllr Eddie Mulligan for Fianna Fáil; Cllr Damien Geoghegan and Cllr John Cummins for Fine Gael; Cllr John Pratt for Labour; Deputy David Cullinane for Sinn Féin; Cllr Marc Ó Cathsaigh for the Green Party; Independents Bernadette Phillips, Kieran Hartley, Lee Walsh and Cllr Matt Shanahan; Una Dunphy for People Before Profit; Ronan Cleary for Aontú; and Michael Gallwey for Renua.

Cllr Joe Kelly had announced his intention to seek a Dáil seat but subsequently withdrew from the race.

Cllr Joe Kelly had announced his intention to seek a Dáil seat but subsequently withdrew from the race.

Meanwhile, Cllr Joe Kelly (Ind) had announced his intention to seek a Dáil seat at the weekend.He was first elected to Waterford City Council in 2004 for Sinn Féin. He lost his seat in 2009 before winning it back as an Independent in 2014. He retained his seat in last May’s local elections.
However, speaking yesterday (Monday) Cllr Kelly said he had reassessed his decision and had decide he would not proceed. Earlier in the week, current Minister of State John Halligan announced his retirement from political life. He was first elected to the Dáil in 2011 and retained his seat in the 2016 General Election. Current Fine Gael TD John Deasy and current Fine Gael Senator Paudie Coffey have both announced that they will not be seeking re-election.