Double jobbing across Waterford and the south east now stands at twice the national average, as households continue to struggle to make ends meet. Some 4,400 full-time workers in the south east have a second job, according to the latest Quarterly National Household Survey from the Central Statistics Office (CSO). Most of those working two jobs are aged over 45 and male, while farming and fishing is the single biggest sector where people are likely to be doing two jobs. A significant proportion of double jobbers are in the services sector, which covers a huge spectrum from finance to catering. The figures show that the level of double jobbing in the south east – at 2.3 per cent – is two times the national average of one in every 100 workers.
The survey, released on Tuesday, records a loss of 42,000 full-time jobs in the south east from mid 2007 to mid 2013.