MolumphyDublinThey mightn’t have a certain mustachioed minister to rally the troops anymore, but the Irish army can have few better ambassadors than Stephen Molumphy.

Not long back from Chad, only for the sun-kissed complexion you’d think the Ballyduff Upper lieutenant and now ‘solo’ county skipper had never been away. He came a close second to Kevin Moran in the man-of-the-match stakes on Sunday, the De La Salle star producing a complete display that had the Dublin defence chasing shadows.

By the way, when was the last time, I wonder, that Waterford started a league or championship match with 12 of the starting 15 coming from western clubs? (Stradbally, in Michael Walsh’s case, being more mid-county but part of the ‘far’ division.) Or without a single Mount Sion connection for that matter? That won’t be long changing of course, what with the talent and experience waiting in the wings. But the competition for places is now as keen as their captain.