MeganKielyHeadSix athletes from Ferrybank AC competed at the British AAA underage Championships in Bedford last weekend. In the heats on Saturday, brother and sister Megan and Ben Kiely (Ferrybank AC) both made it through to Sunday’s finals of their hurdles events in the u17 age group – Megan in the 300 metres and Ben in the 400.

Megan (pictured), again one of the country’s best young athletes, ran very well in the final and took the silver medal in a time of 43. 62 seconds. The race was won in 43.38.

Ben had a personal best time of 57.15 seconds in finishing sixth in his final, so well done to both on very good performances. Sorcha Murphy finished fourth in the High Jump u17 with a jump of 1.65 metres, again a fine performance.