Stephen Ireland

Stephen Ireland

He’s been Man City’s best player this season, according to Mark Hughes, and Liam Brady agrees. However, Stephen Ireland’s international exile doesn’t look like ending anytime soon, and it won’t do until such time as he decides his sensitivities have been suitably soothed. Just like the ‘debate’ as to whether he should be begged or told to bugger off won’t go away as long as he keeps playing out of his skin.

With a brace against Hull on Sunday, the second a sublime finish, the ‘kid from Cobh’ (maturity rather than age-wise, you’ll understand) is making Robinho look a little overpriced at £30m.

If there’s no room for Andy Reid right now, anally-retentive as Signor Trapattoni’s logic sounds, Ireland, you would think, could be accommodated. If his bald head wasn’t up his arse.