Author: Jamie OKeeffe

Quite a handful

Quite a handful

Pictured is Jamie Burns, scorer of a remarkable five goals in double winners Seaview Celtic’s 7-1 demolition of Piltown in last Wednesday’s Second Division Infirmary Cup final in Waterford’s Ozier...
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Excuses, excuses

Excuses, excuses

Ireland might have collected their first silverware since Jack Charlton’s team took Iceland by storm a quarter-of-a-century ago (my God we’re getting old) but by and large the inaugural Carling Nations tournament was the stuff of PR nightmares.
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Truth serum

Truth serum

America’s indifferent attitude to drug-taking in sport could change as the federal probe into alleged doping by seven-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong moves up a...
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Hoops better than Blues?

Hoops better than Blues?

Having clinched their ninth Premier League title in 12 seasons, there’s a strong argument to be made that Carrick United may well be the best side in and around the Waterford ‘district’ – including the current Blues. Adam McSherry, for one, has been sensational of late for the Hoops, scoring wonder goals for fun...
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God’s Gift to Golf

God’s Gift to Golf

He rewrote the course-management manual, redefined the bounds of possibility, but superlatives aside, more than anything Seve made golf gripping. And, let’s face it, sexy. Up until his teenage emergence in the mid-seventies, it was a grey enough game (for all the garish attire), with an inordinate proportion of...
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Class versus crass

Class versus crass

Anyone I’ve spoken to who saw last week’s low-key BBC2 documentary about Bobby Charlton was struck by the same thing – the sheer humility of the man. At Christmas, ESPN Classic screened a series of sporting documentaries, one of which was about another World Cup-winning Bobby, Moore. It was much the same story, of...
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Tom’s mile of a lifetime

Tom’s mile of a lifetime

Tom Queally’s stunning runway success on flat racing’s latest ‘wonderhorse’ Frankel in the 2,000 Guineas at Newmarket on Saturday has consolidated his status as one of the top jockeys in Europe. Not that he’d even entertain the thought. The bashful Cappagh man’s career curve continues to arch upwards, putting the...
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