Waterford City Council’s refusal of planning permission for the proposed redevelopment of the 23-acre former Ard Ri Hotel site overlooking the city has been appealed to An Bord Pleanala.

Last month, the City Council rejected plans submitted by TRM Developments for a €400m development of the site, to include a five star hotel, retail spaces, a civic arts building and an elevator linked to Plunkett Station. The intention of TRM Developments was essentially to demolish the existing structure and start again from a green field site.

However the planning department of the local authority rejected the proposal, on the grounds that it would ‘amount to a gross over-development of the site’. The Council said it was not satisfied that TRM had demonstrated that the proposed development ‘would not have an inhibiting effect on the redevelopment potential of the North Quays’.

An objection to the plans had already been lodged with the city council by the Department of the Environment.

Up to 500 jobs were expected to be created during construction of the development, with a further 3100 jobs likely after all phases were complete (estimated at eight years). A decision is expected in November.