Bishop of Waterford and Lismore Most Rev William Lee has called on the diocese to pull together and support the workers of Waterford Crystal and their families.

Speaking at the Novena in St. Paul’s parish last Friday, Bishop Lee said his thoughts and prayers were with the employees.

“So many of these dedicated, skilled and committed men and women gave their lives to this company and I do sincerely hope that their jobs can be saved through the present negotiations.

“These are difficult and challenging times for everyone. The certainty about the future we all felt in recent years has been eroded and this comes as a great shock and bitter disappointment.

“This is a time when we must pull together. We must ensure that the workers at Waterford Crystal and their families feel supported. We are a resilient people here in Waterford. We have had difficult times in the past and we pulled through. With God’s help and the support of each other we’ll pull through again.

I ask everybody to pray earnestly to God that we will surmount the challenges and I pray that the Lord will keep hope alive in our hearts.”