
Michael Garland: “It’s vital that the region is recognised in the Taoiseach’s future decisions.”

aterford Chamber Chief Executive Michael Garland has appealed to Taoiseach Brian Cowen to maintain the south east’s presence at the cabinet table following Martin Cullen’s resignation.
In a letter to the Taoiseach dated March 10th, Mr Garland said the city and the region “required a strong and committed representation in the Dáil and it is vital that this is acknowledged in the future decisions you make”.
He added: “Waterford Chamber would strongly propose that a ministerial post dedicated to Waterford City and the South East should be considered by you in any forthcoming cabinet reshuffle.
“As we are in many ways detached from the seat of government, the electorate of Waterford City and the South East need you to show strong leadership and acknowledge this request.”
Mr Garland said that the void caused by Minister Cullen’s resignation, coupled with the difficult economic circumstances, was a source of double concern to local business leaders and the general public.
“We accept that there are difficult decisions to be made by government in the very near future, but all the directors and members of Waterford Chamber would hope that you will make the correct decision for our city and region,” he stated.
Mr Garland also wished the outgoing Minister “a speedy recovery” and also acknowledged the results he produced for Waterford during his time at the cabinet table.