Members of Waterford Chamber, pictured with Minister Dick Roche, at Tuesday evening’s meeting which re-iterated Chamber’s call for a ‘Yes’ vote this Friday.

Members of Waterford Chamber, pictured with Minister Dick Roche, at Tuesday evening’s meeting which re-iterated Chamber’s call for a ‘Yes’ vote this Friday.

Waterford Chamber has re-iterated its call for the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty on Friday, given the benefits it believes it will bring to employers and employees alike.
Speaking in the Granville Hotel on Tuesday evening, which was attended by Minister for European Affairs Dick Roche, City Councillor Gary Wyse said a ‘Yes’ “would send out a strong message support” to Waterford businesses.
“I think it’s crucial to our progress as a country that the vote is won,” he added. “We’re all aware of how important Europe is to our future social and economic progress and I can’t overstate how vital voting ‘Yes’ is.
“As businesses, we need to pull together to ensure a better future for Waterford and indeed for Ireland and I think the calibre of people who made the effort to 
come here tonight serves to underline that assertion.”
Addressing the gathering, Chamber President Paul McDaid cited the three key elements required to ensure better economic times: employees, exports and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).
For full story see our print edition.