The Dail voting record of Waterford TDs was outlined in the Independent recently. Brendan Kenneally was the top voter at 95 per cent but John Deasy was well down the list at 68 per cent. He was the fifth lowest in Munster and just outside the national Top Ten list of those that voted least.
Other voting absentees were former Taoiseach Bertie Ahern and Enda Kenny the Fine Gael leader. Taoiseach Brian Cowen was another low voter at 48 per cent.
Independent Michael Lowry was the lowest voter in Munster at 56 per cent.
Waterford’s Brian O’Shea had an 85 per cent voting record and Martin Cullen our former Minister voted 78 per cent of the time, despite his Ministerial duties and his back illness.
Over in Kilkenny, Bobby Alyward had a 96 per cent record, John McGuinness and Phil Hogan 79 per cent. In Tipperary South, Martin Mansergh, the Minister of State, at 82 per cent had the lowest vote.
The Dail has set up a new clocking in system to encourage more voting and make a more efficient expenses system. TDs tend to vote on new Bills or Laws, Order of Business, Private Members Business and motions. Only one suspension was voted on last year.