At last, some good news on the Waterford jobs front! Monday’s announcement by EirGen Pharma will see the pharmaceutical company investing €3.3 million in its Waterford plant, which shall lead to the creation of 20 new jobs.
The company, which is located on the West Side Business Park on the Old Kilmeaden Road, has been described by local business leaders as a template for Waterford’s future economic growth.
“This is fantastic news,” said Waterford Chamber’s Michael Garland, speaking ahead of the South East Spirit of Enterprise Week (see Business 1 for full report).
“I take my hat off to co-founders Patsy Carney and Tom Brennan, for showing what can be done and what can be achieved if you have the determination, the guts, the drive and the optimism needed to drive a business forward.”
The announcement, perhaps the first positive declaration which Tánaiste and Enterprise Minister Mary Coughlan has made regarding Waterford since assuming the employment brief, could hardly be timelier.
With the Teva and Waterford Crystal episodes still lingering, EirGen’s expansion (with support from Enterprise Ireland) will mean the firm (which produces drugs for cancer treatment) will soon employ a total of 40 staff.
“This is a very significant development for this Waterford-based company that will drive their next phase of export-led growth,” according to Minister Coughlan.
See The Munster Express newspaper for full story.