Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny addressing the delegates from all over Ireland at the Summer School.

Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny addressing the delegates from all over Ireland at the Summer School.

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In his speech to the Young Fine Gael Summer School in Tramore on Saturday last, the party leader, Enda Kenny TD, said, if he was elected Taoiseach after the next general election, his over-riding goal would be to build an economy that created enough jobs for all the young people of Ireland. Nobody should be forced to leave out shores in a desperate hunt for gainful employment, he declared.

Continuing, Mr Kenny said: “One of the main criticisms made of Irish politics generally is that there are not enough key differences between the main parties. Some commentators have argued that what Ireland needs now is a more ideological form of politics, based on a clear split between left and right. But such calls ignore one basic fact: the global crash has ripped apart key parts of the ideologies of both left and right.

“On the right, the crash has completely undermined the idea that markets are rational and need as little regulation as possible. It has also so discredited the whole notion of shareholder value that a former champion of the idea. Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric, now describes it as ‘dumb’. Unfortunately, it was this ‘dumb’ idea that led Irish banks, in partnership with the developers, to take on massive risks – with the disastrous consequences we all know so well. €25 billion and counting into Anglo Irish and Nationwide and a NAMA project that now looks set to lose billions.

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