Just weeks after announcing its intention to recruit 60 new staff, it now appears that TalkTalk Waterford (formerly AOL) may be about to cut staff numbers.
This newspaper understands that as many as 55 jobs at the centre are now under threat, with affected employees having received letters which, according to a company spokesperson, “outlined their options”.
The news comes in the light of a company review of its service management and support structure which has led to a series of changes the company is outlining to staff.
In a statement issued to The Munster Express on Friday morning last, TalkTalk outlined the latest developments at its Waterford facility.
“We are committed to offering our customers the best possible experience and to do this we have streamlined processes, reduced duplication and developed Centres of Excellence,” it read.  
“We acquired additional support teams as a result of acquisitions, which has led to duplication of roles across sites and brands.
“In order to gain synergies across support teams, we are relocating all support functions to our largest customer service sites in Preston and Waterford.
“Earlier today (Friday), support employees affected by these changes were informed and they will receive a detailed letter outlining their options.
“We will enter into a full consultation with affected employees and work with them to where possible, identify alternative roles within customer services and across the group.”
The potential job loss will add to the growing sense of frustration expressed by Waterford City Councillors of late, who feel the city and county urgently requires a Government-backed jobs plan.