Lengthening dole queues are of concern to young and old alike, according to several election candidates that this newspaper has been in contact with as the campaign enters the home stretch.

“It’s the number one topic on the doorsteps,” said Labour City Councillor Seamus Ryan (City South).

“Be it people who have lost their jobs, people being put on short time, there’s barely a household in the city that hasn’t been affected by the recession. A lot of people are facing a huge amount of uncertainty.”

At European level, Sinn Féin candidate Toireasa Ferris seized upon sitting MEP Brian Crowley’s describing the recession as a “blip” during RTE Radio’s ‘Late Debate’ on Wednesday last.

“To describe what we are going through as a mere ‘blip’ displays a politician who is out of touch with what people are going through as a result of the economic disaster brought about by his colleagues in Government,” said the Kerry Councillor.

“It is not a blip to the thousands who are facing economic hardship including possibly losing their homes.”