N9S2PicWaterford City & County Council received a total of 357 planning applications between January 1st and June 24th, a total of nine more than what it received in the corresponding period in 2014.
And, as detailed in its recently published Management Report, the Council received 38 such applications between June 1st and 24th.
The report reads: “A total of 59 decisions were made in the month to date, of which 51 were granted and 8 refusals…Since the beginning of the year, 302 planning decisions have been made, of which 285, or 94% were granted.”
A total of 217 preplanning applications were received up to June 24th, with 85% of these closed by that mid-year date.
The Council’s Forward Planning Unit has examined both the City and County Development Plans and is currently “identifying policy areas which it may be required to update in order that the merged policies, land zones, and development standards of the Plans are compatible and support the unified Council purposes”.
A review of Waterford’s protected structures is also underway and it’s worth noting that, as records stand, there is a total of 1,854 protected structures across the city and county.
Meanwhile, work at three separate locations along the city’s historic walls is due to be carried out between now and the autumn after the Council received €10,000 in Heritage Council funding. Maintenance and repair work is scheduled to be carried out at Parliament Street/Castle Street, between O’Brien Street and Stephen Street, as well as Beach Castle/Jenkins’ Lane Car Park.
The Council is, according to the Management Report, “awaiting prices for the removal of vegetation and the repair work (is due) to be carried out in the early autumn”. City Hall also hopes to undertake “minor vegetation works at other locations”.