Failure to reach a compromise on refurbishment of The Square in Tallow and associated off-street parking in the town resulted in discussion on the project being postponed by Waterford County Council in Dungarvan last week.

Tallow based councillor James Tobin (FF) thanked the Council for adjourning the matter for a month. He complimented the Area Engineer Paul Daly, the Tallow Community Council and local traders on the work done to try to reach a compromise.

It was not possible to reach that compromise just yet and he asked that the money earmarked for Tallow should be “ring fenced”.

Cllr Declan Doocey (FG) said businesses in Tallow were recovering from road works in the town and some unsatisfactory arrangements in The Square. Further discussions were needed before reaching a compromise on the future of The Square.

Director of Services Michael Quinn said the Council had a very busy works programme and the delay in Tallow would impact on the starting date of the project. A lot of effort was put into getting a solution to the situation with every body involved. Road grants in County Waterford may be cut by 25%, he warned.

Cllr Tobin said in Tallow there had already been a cut of 25% in costs in a bid to try and satisfy everybody.

Cllr Nora Flynn (FG) said she represented the Tallow area but had not been asked to attend any of the meetings in connection with The Square. She said she hoped there would be give and take on all sides to resolve issues.