The people of Carrick-on-Suir deserve more from a Government which has done precious little to tackle its persisting unemployment problem.

That’s the view of Fine Gael TD Tom Hayes, following recent live register figures which show that the numbers signing on in the town and across South Tipperary continue to rise.

“The figures are worrying in the extreme and reflect the fact that rising unemployment is not only in the housing/construction sector but across all areas of the economy,” he said.

“To see a town like Carrick on Suir with a 29 per cent increase when it already has a very high rate is a major blow to the town.”

Deputy Hayes has issued an invitation to Environment Minister John Gormley to visit Carrick to “see for himself the issues of unemployment, planning and development the town is battling with”.

He added: “Carrick-on-Suir people deserve a chance to have jobs and to pursue a prosperous life. The figures released recently indicate that things are disimproving at a frightening rate.”

Deputy Hayes has said he will support “any positive measures” that the Government or his Tipp South Fianna Fáil Dáil colleagues can “bring about to improve the situation”.

The IDA, he said, must “step up to the mark to bring investors to the locality that is perfect for foreign investment with a well-connected location and an educated workforce”.

Tom Hayes cited the absence of visiting investors to the constituency for the past two years as a problem which must be quickly rectified.

“A visit (from investors) would be a good start to tackling today’s troubling figures,” he said.


“Carrick-on-Suir deserves better. It needs attention and focus. It needs constructive and committed work from all organisations, government departments and local groups.

“The decision from FAS to close the Carrick-on-Suir Jobs Club in the light of the historically high rate of unemployment is clearly uninformed and represents cost cutting of the worst and most ill-advised fashion.”