Critical: Cllr Cha O'Neill.

Critical: Cllr Cha O'Neill.

CERTAIN roundabouts across Waterford City are in a “deplorable condition”, according to a local Councillor.
At the July Metropolitan District meeting of Waterford City & County Council, Cllr Cha O’Neill (Ind) said he had already raised the issue of maintenance of roundabouts on numerous occasions.
“Could someone tell me once and for all, who is going to maintain our roundabouts?” he asked.
“There are certain roundabouts that we look after and others that are sponsored. Some are deplorable, some are fantastic.”
He asked if it was the responsibility of each sponsor to maintain their roundabouts or if the Council should take them in charge.
He described the roundabouts in Dungarvan as “spectacular”.
“Some in the city are spectacular, others leave a lot to be desired,” he said.
Cllr O’Neill said the issue had persisted since the days of Waterford City Council before the amalgamation of the local authorities had taken place.
“We’re going to have to make a decision on it,” he said.
In response, Director of Services Fergus Galvin said there are “all sorts of different arrangements within the city”.
He explained that the Council recently advertised roundabouts for sponsorship and “got some take up on most of them.”
“We are working with the sponsors. In some cases, we had to transfer responsibility from one individual company to another,” he explained.
Mr Galvin said Waterford City & County Council was working with sponsors to ensure roundabouts are maintained to a high standard.
He said he would directly discuss any particular roundabouts which may need attention with Cllr O’Neill.