Young athletes and members of St. Senan’s AC with Cllr. Tomás Breathnach, Hospice Support  group, Kilmacow, at the presentation of funds from the Little South Run.

Young athletes and members of St. Senan’s AC with Cllr. Tomás Breathnach, Hospice Support group, Kilmacow, at the presentation of funds from the Little South Run.

Kilmacow Hospice Support Group recently transferred €5,000 to the Hospice Movement based at University Hospital Waterford.The transfer was the culmination of the group’s fundraising for the year. The most significant contribution to the fund for 2016 came from the proceeds of the Little South Run which is organised each year by St. Senan’s Athletic Club.The amount raised this year was €2,928.18.
Over the fifteen years of the Little South Run over €60,000 has been raised for the Hospice Movement. The Hospice Movement based at University Hospital Waterford was founded in 1988 to provide palliative care services for patients with life threatening illnesses in Waterford City and County and South Kilkenny, covering a population of 120,000 people. Kilmacow Hospice Support Group was founded in 1993 to raise funds to support these services.
The annual cost of services is almost €700,000 of which €280,000 is provided by the HSE with the balance being raised by different fundraising groups in the region. There is also a pledge to raise €6m towards the building of a new Palliative Care Unit at University Hospital Waterford. Kilmacow Hospice would like to acknowledge with sincere thanks the efforts of St. Senan’s Athletic Club and all involved in the organisation and participation in the Little South Run. Likewise the support received for its Coffee Morning, Sunflower Sales and other fundraising activities is greatly appreciated.
The group would like to acknowledge the continuing support of the ICA in Kilmacow, Mary Doyle and the Thursday Club at Rosedale and the management, staff and customers of Spinner’s Bar and the Fox’s Den. There were a number of personal donations to the Hospice Movement which were greatly appreciated. Kilmacow Hospice Support Group will commence its fundraising for the coming year by hosting a table quiz in the Fox’s Den on Monday, 5th December.