Danger on a stretch of roadway between Tramore’s Racecourse and Ring Road roundabouts has been highlighted by local Town Councillor Pat Finnerty.
He told the Council’s June meeting that women with children in buggies were at particular risk and he called on the County Council to install public lighting and a footpath along the route.
After Cllr Lola O’Sullivan reminded the members that men with children in buggies were also in danger and Cllr Joe O’Shea pointed out that he had raised the same issue some months ago, Mayor Pat O’Callaghan said that funding for public lighting for the year had already been spent, unfortunately.
Cllr O’Sullivan agreed entirely that the road in question required attention from a safety aspect, but argued that Main St was a higher priority as two people had been knocked down on the footpath there.
Town Manager Brian White undertook to report back to the next meeting on the subject.
Speeding problem
In response to a question from Cllr Maxine Keoghan, the Manager said there were no plans for traffic calming measures at An Garran. He said it was a cul de sac and, given that generally it was people from the area who were speeding, it was up to local parents to knock on the doors of those responsible. He said a ‘Children at Play’ sign could be erected however as a warning to drivers.
Also in answer to Cllr Keoghan, Mr White said funding for resurfacing of Tramore streets amounted to €30,000 for this year and a section of broken roadway at the top cul de sac in Kennedy Park would be considered for repair in the context of that programme. A full assessment had yet to be carried out though.
Tribute to late Town Clerk
Warm tributes were paid at the June meeting of Tramore Town Council to the late Eric Flynn, Lismore Town Clerk, who died unexpectedly on Sunday last aged 58.
Mayor Pat O’Callaghan proposed a vote of sympathy to his wife and family and Mr Flynn’s Tramore counterpart, John O’Sullivan, described him as a great friend as well as a long time work colleague. He said he was a lovely person and a gentleman who was excellent at his job and was particularly helpful to him at election time.