So frustrated is Town and County Councillor Lola O’Sullivan over the long term “disgraceful” condition of the Lifeguard’s Hut in Tramore that she has volunteered to paint it herself.

She complained at the Town Council’s May meeting that it was a year since she first sought to have the hut painted. She said she hoped it would at least be done before the June Bank Holiday Weekend. If not she would do the job herself – all she wanted was the paint and a brush. “The County Council’s engineering department should be ashamed”, she added.

Clearly in the mood for action, Cllr. O’Sullivan also wants to take a JCB and a tractor and trailer to rubble which is blocking a footpath along Sli na Slainte, opposite the caravan park at Newtown.

Cllr. James McCartan raised the subject. He said the rubble was there for three years and was dangerous. He wants the County Council to re-open the footpath. And he wondered “how legal it was” to dump the stuff there in the first instance.

Sewage overflow

Cllr. O’Sullivan also drew attention to a sewage overflow from a manhole – in her view a health hazard – at Monvoy, Ring Road. It was shameful that nothing had been done to solve the problem.

Engineer Paul Sweeney said a developer in the area had damaged a pipe and it took a while to establish the source of the problem.

Cllr. O’Sullivan: “I’m amazed a developer would not take immediate action when something like that happens”. She suggested that any planning applications in the developer’s name be frozen until he puts the matter right.

Council has €148,000 in the bank

Tramore Town Council is in a healthy financial position, with €148,000 banked, Town Clerk Mr. John O’Sullivan reported to the Council’s May meeting.

Cllr. Ann Marie Power acknowledged the satisfactory situation, but expressed the view that they would be better off spending the money than allow it lie in the bank.

Town Manager Mr. Brian White undertook to bring forward proposals for spending it, which the members can consider.


Glen Road to remain closed

At the May meeting of Tramore Town Council Blaise Hannigan asked when Glen Road, closed since last September, would be re-opened.

Town Clerk John O’Sullivan said the road was closed for health and safety reasons to allow passage of construction traffic at a site in the area. It was likely to remain closed for another year.


Cllr. Hannigan also enquired about progress in the provision of sheltered housing at Patrick St.

He was told by town Manager Mr. Brian White that there was none, because there had been no advancement in relocating the Council Yard, where the sheltered housing is to be located.

Mr. White told Cllr James McCartan no date had been set for removal of unsightly signs along Ring Road. An EU audit had first to be carried out and that could take ten years – although it was expected much quicker than that.