A planning application for a new residential and recreational centre on the periphery of Tramore has been lodged with Waterford County Council.

Monaco Developments (Tramore) Ltd have sought a 10-year permission to create a mixed-use urban development on a 38.5-acre site at Pickardstown.

The plans include: a retirement complex comprising a two-storey 64-bed nursing home; 53 one- and two-bed independent-living apartments in one four-storey block and one three-storey block, with 103 car parking spaces and set-down area; a residential development of 207 three- and four-bed houses with off-street parking, public open space and playgrounds; a two-storey créche with enclosed children’s play area and 16 parking spaces; and a 15.3-acre recreational/leisure uses area in the northwestern part of the site. This would include a multi-purpose playing pitch, two tennis courts, provision for 40 allotments, a community garden, walking trail, attenuation pond and filtration area, along with 28 parking spaces.

It’s envisaged that the ambitious project – led by businessman and developer Barry Monaghan, head of Monaco Group – would have vehicular and pedestrian access from the R675 Waterford Road. Associated and ancillary development would consist of ESB substations, landscaping works, and an internal access route and roundabout.

An Environmental Impact Statement is to be submitted to the planning authority. The current Tramore Local Area Plan includes the need for a ‘master plan’ for any development of the lands at Pickardstown.

Local Fine Gael councillor Ann Marie Power is excited by the possibilities as put forward by the promoters and looks forward to viewing their plans in greater detail. “In the current climate this represents a great vote of confidence in the town and shows that people are willing to invest time, energy and money in Tramore, which is improving day by day despite the recession,” she said.