Break-dancer Jack Lynch
Break-dancer Jack Lynch

B Boy 6 (or Jack Lynch, to his proud parents) was as cool as a cucumber when we spoke to him from RTE’s Donnybrook headquarters on Tuesday.

Fresh from receiving the highest ever score on the All-Ireland Talent Show and bagging a place in the final of the competition on 15th March, breakdancer Jack was unfazed as he worked his way through a week of TV appearances and radio and newspaper interviews. “Well, I did Seoige on Monday and I’m going on ICE today”, he told The Munster Express. “I had to have make-up on for the telly but they didn’t do my hair.” His interview with Dustin, set to be aired on a behind-the-scenes show on RTE2 on Friday night, has been Jack’s favourite so far.

Presented by Grainne Seoige, the All Ireland Talent Show attracted thousands to its regional heats around the country and Jack was eventually selected to represent the South region, with the backing of mentor John Creedon. The overall winner stands to receive €50,000.

Jack, who is from the Cork Road, has been dancing with Breakbeat Dance School in Tycor for two years and is exceptionally dedicated: aside from practicing every day at home, he also rehearses for four hours every Sunday and Monday with Breakbeat teacher Deirdre Dempsey.

Deirdre has been in Dublin with Jack all week and she has no worries about the seven-year-old getting nervous when he takes to the stage for the final. “Jack just comes alive when he gets in front of an audience… he’s unreal. He had an audition at 8.30am here during the week and the crew was worried that nerves were starting to get to him but I told him ‘he’s just not a morning person, wait until you see him on the night in front of the crowd’. And he didn’t disappoint them.”

A group of about 60 family and friends travelled to Dublin to cheer on Jack Lynch last weekend and no doubt they’ll be back to support Jack at the final on 15th March. Also rooting for him are his little pals at St Paul’s Primary School, where he is in second class. Principal Helen O’Riordan said there was a great atmosphere in the school last week when Jack performed for the students.

Jack, meanwhile, is enjoying the fact that he has no homework this week – it means he has extra time to practice for the show’s final. “I already know the music I’ll be dancing to, now me and Deirdre just have to work out the routine”, he said. “But I can’t wait.”