A woman’s best friend: Sineád Flynn with her labrador dog Mac.  						             | Photo: Noel Browne

A woman’s best friend: Sineád Flynn with her labrador dog Mac. | Photo: Noel Browne

It would be a gross understatement to say that Sinead Flynn has many strings to her bow. She grew up in a house that was always full of laughter and music and that upbringing has ensured she can, at all times, look on the bright side of life.
“I grew up in Doyle Street and I can honestly say that the house was always full of different types of people who enjoyed life and the social trappings that go with the local theatre scene. My parents, Theresa and John had to get used to my brothers Bryan and David and my sister Sharon bringing home friends who were involved in musicals or whatever we could get involved in on the local scene.
“Bryan has had a lot of success in recent years with his shows and his latest offering ‘The All Star Wars’ made it’s premiere in the Cork Opera House and will be coming to the Theatre Royal in Waterford this October. It’s extremely funny and Ritchie Hayes playing Davy Fitzgerald is a riot. David has been away on tour for the past ten years singing in ‘Rhythm of the Dance’ all over the world and next up for him is a role in Jim Nolan’s first ever play, ‘The Gods Are Angry Miss Kerr’, which will be staged in The Theatre Royal this summer.
“My only sister Sharon has been involved with Children’s Group Link all her life and she loves her work with that local organization. She is the artistic member of the family and has always been good at art.
“Dad worked in Waterford Carpets for many years, but he retired recently and he is enjoying his spare time, doing all of the things he never really got a chance to do. Mam is doing what she always has done, looking after her family, something she has done brilliantly down through the years. I went to the Mercy Convent Primary and Secondary School and loved every minute of my time there, but I have to admit that I was never hugely academic, but needless to say I enjoyed the social side of school.”
Sinead was born in 1982 and she will celebrate her 29th birthday in August. “My auntie Ann and uncle Nicky are well known on the local music scene and perhaps that is where our love for shows came from. Ann is a legend in Waterford and Nicky is regarded as one of the best drummers to come from this city. When I left school I was determined to try and get involved in radio, and as a result I studied media and broadcasting and during that year I stalked WLRfm until they eventually allowed me through the door.
“During the past eight to nine years I have been doing all sorts of jobs with them. Working on sound, producing and presenting has given me a wonderful insight into how radio works. I worked on the Saturday sports programme ‘Terrace Talk’ for about two years and up until recently I presented ‘Showtime’ which aired on a Sunday night. I really loved that programme because I got the opportunity to play all of the great songs from the musicals which I love, and the reaction from the listeners was fantastic. About two years I was offered a position with Garter Lane and again that was wonderful because I got the chance to see how they operate down there. The people working in WLR and Garter Lane are great people and good fun to be with. I still do some work at the radio station when the time allows and hopefully I will continue to do so for some time to come.”
Change of direction
Although admitting that she was not hugely academic when attending the Mercy School, Sinead made a big decision back in 2010. “I began thinking about going back to college with the aim of getting a degree. I wanted to remain living in Waterford because I love my home city so WIT was the right option for me. However finding the right course was rather difficult. I’ve always had an interest in the justice system in Ireland and how it works. I knew I did not want to study law so I opted for an amazing course called ‘Criminal Justice’. It is a three-year course and I’ve just finished my first year. It has been tough but very enjoyable and I would like to think that I have learned a lot, and I am looking forward to starting back again in September for Year Two.
“Fitting in work after a full college week is not easy, but the past 12 months have been great. There are over 50 people in the Criminal Justice class and the majority of them are just 18 years old with a few mature students there too. It was a hard decision to go back to college, but I don’t regret doing it for one moment, and the same applies to the rest of the people who are doing the course. Of course there will have to be an end product and in two years time I intend to work in investigative journalism. I have a huge interest in that area of the media and that is my aim. You have to have an aim in life and hopefully the next two years will see me reach the target I am aiming for.”
The recent passing of the Civil Partnership law is something that Sinead welcomed. “The passing of that law and what it entails just goes to show how far this country has come during the past ten years or so. I came out when I was 18 years old and the awareness that is out there now is great. There is no point trying to hide who you are. If people love you they will accept you. It’s as simple as that. Ireland has moved on and that fact has to be welcomed by everyone,” concluded a young woman with everything to live for.
With Bryan and David flying in the show business world, Sharon doing likewise with the young people of Waterford city at Children’s Group Link and Sinead determined to break into a whole new world of journalism, I have a feeling that Theresa and John Flynn will have an open house with a brilliant atmosphere for many years to come.
The Flynn siblings may have flown the nest to a certain degree in different walks of life, but home is where the heart is and with so much going on with their family they have a lot more to look forward to during the coming years.