Waterford Youth Arts celebrated their 25th anniversary in some style and the final weekend was special. An open air launch of Jim Daly’s Collected works at Greyfriars was wonderful with the best of fine words and memorable stories from Joe Falvey, the Mayor Mary Roche, Jim O’Meara, Jamie Beamish and Michael Dower.

There was so much on during Saturday with music, plays, poetry and dance and i started at the Granary, Waterford Treasures where Joe Meaghar had assembled a lunchtime set of plays that were just right for an eager audience. This would have been an excellent tourist event.

The Last Cowboy in the East by Kate Dempsey was a howl with Andrew Holden as the taciturn cowboy from Co.Waterford. Elizabeth Howard was fun as a prime Garda and a goodtime girl in sequinned hot pants, Joe Meaghar completed the fun.

His version of Flann O’Brien’s Thirst was laugh out loud stuff where Stephen Walsh looking like the Festy O’Semtex cartoon drank large bottles after hours with a droll Ben Quinlan. Joe Meaghar not only directed but wowed the audience as the bar owner. Andrew Holden completed the fun as a stickler of a guard.