The odd note or two was found in a bundle of clothes in Ballybunion last week!

The odd note or two was found in a bundle of clothes in Ballybunion last week!

Charity volunteers in Ballybunion got a big surprise last week as they sorted through a small mountain of clothes donated by locals for Syrian refugees.
One of the workers was separating a small pile when she felt something heavy in the pocket of a man’s coat.
She put her hand into the pocket and took out an envelope that, to her amazement, contained €14,500 in €500 euro notes.
The Gardaí were informed and Garda Mary Gardiner was assigned the task of trying to trace the owner.
According to the reports, there was some information printed on the envelope that helped and after making several international telephone calls and consulting with a retired Ballybunion detective, Tony Guerin, Garda Mary solved the case and the money was returned to its owner.
A spokesperson for the Syria Refugee Appeal said they were delighted the owner had been traced and revealed that the family in question had previously donated twelve bags of good clothing and made a cash donation.
I’ve heard of people finding the odd fiver or tenner in clothes being sorted for the washing machine but €14,500 must be a record!