Trevor Marks proudly displays one of his drawings

Trevor Marks proudly displays one of his drawings

Trevor Marks (21) from Larchville is a visual artist with autism.
‘Trevor’s Colouring Book’, which has just been launched, is a 16 page publication which features a variety of his creations.
Each page of the impressive colouring book features its own theme: Pyramid, Snake, Rocket, Lighthouse, Snail etc.
This week, The Book Centre in Waterford will begin to stock Trevor’s book – something which he is incredibly excited about.
The publication of his book is the culmination of years of hard work and commitment.
At the START Centre (part of the Brothers of Charity) in Tycor, Trevor has been working in partnership with Clare Fitzgerald from Chowder Arts.
As they began working together, Clare noticed Trevor’s talents and, in particular, his attention to detail.
“I noticed Trevor could write the timetable on the board as if it was computer print,” she explained.
Clare and Trevor clearly have a special bond and enjoy working together.
Clare explained the process which she uses when working with Trevor.
After sharing his ideas with Clare, Trevor focuses on getting his ideas onto paper.
He can replicate even the most intricate designs and writing styles.
“Trevor can draw what he sees on a page without making one mistake,” explained Clare.
Last year, an exhibition of Trevor’s paintings was held as part of the Imagine festival.
His colourful creations which were on display proved to be a huge hit with everyone and he succeeded in selling four paintings in under an hour.
Trevor also produced Christmas cards last year.
These handmade cards, which were sold as five in a pack, sold out.
Now, with encouragement from Clare and his family members, he is showcasing his talents through his impressive colouring book.
He has self-funded this project with funds generated from the sale of Christmas cards.
“The main focus is to create an independent income for Trevor,” explained Clare.
“And with the money that he makes, he is able to put money back into his projects.”
Trevor’s proud mother Michelle believes his involvement with art has increased his independence.
She was aware of his talent from a young age and always encouraged him to further develop his artistic talents.
“He puts in a lot of time and effort. People always admire his work and they’re amazed that it’s so perfect without any mistakes,” she said.
She would like to see him progress further and continue to develop his skills.
Michelle praised Clare for the support which Trevor has received.
“She gives Trevor great support, help, understanding and love. I feel all of that support as well and we appreciate everything that Clare is doing for Trevor.”
Michelle thanked everyone for their support and said the publication of the book is a special time for the family.
“It means so much. I’m so happy and proud that Trevor has achieved so much,” she said.
Trevor’s story is a great example for others as it highlights the therapeutic power of art.
It also highlights that nothing is impossible once you put your mind to it!
Trevor says he feels a great sense of achievement that he has completed his colouring book and is very excited as it goes on sale.
Orders are already coming in for Trevor’s Christmas cards this year which ensures he’ll have busy weeks ahead.
In 2016, we’re sure to hear much more from Trevor and his artistic adventures!
Check out Trevor’s work on the Chowder Arts Facebook page and on his own Facebook page ‘Trevor Artist’.